Riddick 2013 En Castellano

Riddick 2013 En Castellano

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Riddick 2013 En Castellano

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Sarra Besse

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Tomoka Maëlys

Diseño de guión:
Miela Saïd

Imágenes : Leandre Benton
Co-Produzent : Liarna Terrell

Productor ejecutivo : Suneet Warisha

Director de arte supervisor:
Sonya Noor

Produce|Producir : DuLin Enoch

Fabricante: Eshan Leach

Actriz : Tandy Jaxson


Título de la película

Riddick 2013 En Castellano


179 segundos




M4V 720p


Science Fiction, Action, Thriller



nombre de reparto

Bayle, thinkfilmEffi H. maelie, Roma K. Finley

[HD] Riddick 2013 En Castellano

nice movie
After trying to move the character to more epic levels in ‘Chronicles of Riddick’, and failing to capture an audience, this third installment in the series, simply titled ‘Riddick’, is a return-to-basics for director David Twohy. It quickly sets itself loose from the baggage of ‘Chronicles’ and pursues a more clear-cut survival action story that might as well be titled ‘Pitch Black 2‘.
Maybe you're all scared of the wrong thing.

Unsurprisingly reactions to this, the third outing for Vin Diesel's sci-fi based anti-hero, has been very mixed. In truth it's hardly a great film of the "must see" kind, and it does in fact cleave very close to Pitch Black, the first and most superior of the Riddick trilogy. However, there's a whole bunch of science fiction fun to be had here.

Plot has Riddick left for dead on a inhospitable planet, where he finds himself up against some alien creatures. His only hope of getting off the planet is to bring notice of his whereabouts, which brings two ships to where he is. Both with crews who have differing reasons for wanting to capture the enigmatic convict...

And thus we get a beautifully filmed sci-fier that features beasties of both the human and alien kind. Action and moody histrionics are never far away, and Diesel is wonderfully muscular, macho, course and scary. Some of the CGI is weak, and naturally much of the film's coincidences and contrivances have to be forgiven if one wants a popcorn and beer good time of it. 7/10
**(Note: This review is of the theatrical version, I have seen the uncut version and it is an improvement, but have not reviewed that edition)**

In this latest incarnation, Riddick goes boldly goes where no previous entry has gone before: Nowhere.

Say what you will about the previous film (_Chronicles of Riddick_) at least it had the guts to take some risks. Sure, almost all of those ended up being complete misfires, but they were still taken. Riddick on the other hand plays it safe. It’s a path not entirely without benefit, but one that was not expected from the series spawned by Australian cult-classic _Pitch Black_.

Shoot me for saying it but I’m actually a huge fan of Davind Twohy (_The Arrival, Waterworld, G.I. Jane, A Perfect Getaway_) so I actually sort of hoped for more from the piece. Sure _Chronicles_ was silly and disjointed, sure _Dark Fury_ was totally unnecessary and _Dark Athena/Butcher Bay_ were only intermittently decent, but overall the Riddick franchise will always be compared to _Pitch Black_, and against this prodigy, the latest movie is simply subpar.

The Necromonger storyline has been all but dropped, any connections to previous characters (sans Riddick) are completely unbelievable and the events are a shameless rip off of the first film. Seeing a more “survivalist” and intelligent Riddick is nice, as it’s always been sort of more insinuated than outright shown. The entire world that the events of the film take place on is even moderately interesting, and none of the actors or characters are outright let downs, but overall Riddick falls much closer to the “barely watchable” category than the “brilliant” one.

It’s “cool”, it’s pretty and it’s most certainly entertaining, but it’s not new, it’s not clever, and it’s most certainly not as good as _Pitch Black_.


Betrayed by his own kind and left for dead on a desolate planet, Riddick fights for survival against alien predators and becomes more powerful and dangerous than ever before. Soon bounty hunters from throughout the galaxy descend on Riddick only to find themselves pawns in his greater scheme for revenge. With his enemies right where he wants them, Riddick unleashes a vicious attack of vengeance before returning to his home planet of Furya to save it from destruction.

Riddick – Wikipédia a enciclopédia livre ~ Richard B Riddick é um antiherói do século XXVIII Nos filmes da série The Chronicles of Riddick foi interpretado por Vin foi criado em ambiente selvagem e pode enxergar de noite como se fosse dia porém pessimamente de dia É um grande atirador e combatente corpoacorpo

Riddick filme – Wikipédia a enciclopédia livre ~ Riddick bra Riddick 3 1 prt Riddick A Ascensão 2 é um filme britanoestadunidense de 2013 dos gêneros ação ficção científica e suspense escrito e dirigido por David Twohy inspirado nos personagens criados por Jim Wheat e Ken Wheat 1É o terceiro filme da série iniciada em 2000 com Pitch Black e continuada em 2004 com The Chronicles of Riddick

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The Chronicles of Riddick Dark Fury – Wikipédia a ~ The Chronicles of Riddick Dark Fury A Fúria de Riddick As Crónicas de Riddick Fúria Negra The Chronicles of Riddick Dark Fury no original é um filme de animação pertencente a série de filmes The Chronicles of Riddick para DVD dirigido por Peter Chung A história se passa entre o primeiro filme Eclipse Mortal e o segundo filme A Batalha de Riddick As Crónicas de Riddick

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Pitch Black – Wikipédia a enciclopédia livre ~ Pitch Black br As Crônicas de Riddick Eclipse Mortal pt Eclipse Mortal é um filme norteamericano de ficção científica de 2000 que traz como protagonista o criminoso filme faz parte da série The Chronicles of Riddick No filme o perigoso criminoso Richard B Riddick Vin Diesel está a ser transportado para a prisão numa nave espacial de carga quando esta é

Riddick Bowe – Wikipédia a enciclopédia livre ~ Riddick Lamont Bowe Nova Iorque 10 de agosto de 1967 é um expugilista profissional foi duas vezes campeão mundial dos pesospesados sendo que na primeira vez em 1992 foi campeão pela Associação Mundial de Boxe Conselho Mundial de Boxe e Federação Internacional de Boxe enquanto na segunda vez obteve o título somente pela Organização Mundial de Boxe

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